Sunday, September 4, 2011

"you is kind. you is smart. you is important."

I am currently rereading this book ---> for the second time in two months...

Mama and I have already gone to see this movie ---> twice within two weeks...

We are prettymuch in looove with The Help.
We feel like we really "know" and love the characters.

[skeeter, minny, and aibileen...
i can't decide who is my favorite]

All except Hilly, that is...we aren't too fond of her.

[she's a meanie]

If y'all haven't seen and/or read The Help yet, you need to.
It's the best book I've read in a looong long time, and the movie remains true to the spirit of the book...yay!!

What books and movies can you turn to over and over again, and you still love them just as much as [or more than] the first time?


brooke elyse said...

The Scriptures- obviously!
Work and the Glory-(love)
Harry Potter!!- Yes I am THAT kinda girl.

Katie said...

WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING. Favorite. Every time.

I haven't seen The Help yet but everything I have heard is GOOD. I want to see it. Soon. And badly.