Monday, August 15, 2011

one word

Hey y'all!

Sooo I know it's been prettymuch forever since I've posted anything...sorry 'bout that.
I'll try to do better at this whole blogging thing, I promise.

Anywho, to get myself back into the blogging world, I found this meme that looked kinda fun. You're supposed to answer each question using only one here goes.

1. Where is your cell phone? EAR
2. Relationship? NOPE
3. Your hair? BRUNETTE
5. Your sister? LOTS
6. Your favorite things? BOOKS
7. Your dream last night? VOLDEMORT
8. Your favorite drink? MILK
9. What's your dream car? BUG
10. The room you are in? OFFICE
11. Your shoes? THONGS
12. Your fears? BEES
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? MARRIED
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? FAMILY
15. What are you not good at? SEEING
16. Muffins? CHOCOLATE
17. Wish list item? LIPGLOSS
18. Where you grew up? HOME
19. The last thing you did? SPOKE
20. What are you wearing? CLOTHES
21. What are you not wearing? FUNDIES
22. Your pet? KITTIES!!!
23. Your computer? ON
24. Your life? BLESSED
25. Your mood? SPUNKY
26. Missing? GEORGIA
27. What are you thinking about? HIM! --->
28. Your car? SONATA
29. Your kitchen? SPARKLING
30. Your summer? HOT
31. Your favorite color? PURPLE
32. Last time you laughed? TODAY
33. Last time you cried? QUESTIONABLE...
34. School? COOL
35. Love? YES
36. Tag? Y'ALL

1 comment:

Katie said...

Very fun! LOVED reading it all :) Maybe I'll work on this very soon...