Tuesday, May 8, 2012

bless yer heart!

As a lot of you may know [and a lot of you may not know], I have a deep love for all things related to the southeastern portion of the U.S. of A.

I was born in Jacksonville, Florida, but sadly my parents decided to move us out west when I was five years old. :(
So...I don't have the sweet blessing of a quirky southern accent.

I thought I would share with y'all something that my mama and I have recently fallen in love with.
Several months ago, I was browsing the library catalog in search of some cookbooks.
I came across one that was brand new, and the title immediately grabbed my full attention.

Southern Plate: Classic Comfort Food That Makes Everyone Feel Like Family
I placed a hold request, and about five minutes after picking it up from the library, I knew that I had to have this cookbook for my own collection.
So up it went on my Christmas wish list...
And Santa did good! :)

Christy Jordan is the author of this cookbook, and she is darling!
She started by posting recipes on her blog [www.southernplate.com] and built up a family of devoted followers.
I've loved all of Christy's recipes I've tried so far!
Three of my favorites can be found here, here, and here.
If you decide to try any of her recipes, please let me know what you think!

Oh, and if y'all want to see a bit of Christy's cute personality, watch this ---> video:

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh my gosh!!! I love the South!!! I've never actually been there, haha, but I LOVE what I hear about it. Haha! I'll have to try out some of those recipes :)