Tuesday, July 13, 2010

on my mind

Sooo, now that I've had some time to let the news sink in a bit, I think I'm ready to announce to the [blogging] world where I'm being sent on my mission...


I've been assigned to serve in the...
Georgia Atlanta Mission!!!!!

Report Date: August 18. [yuppers...i've got five more weeks plus a day. um...freak out?]
Language: English. [y'all have nooo idea how happy i am about this one...srsly.]

Reasons why the Georgia Atlanta Mission is perfect for me:

+ It's one of the places I was hoping for. Whenever someone asked the inevitable question, "Is there anywhere you'd like to serve?" I always responded with, "Anywhere in the South, especially Georgia or the Carolinas." I thought I was seeing things when I read my call letter...

+ I'm going back to my roots. Prettymuch my whole family back to my great-great-great-great-great-grandparents on my mom's side grew up in Atlanta. Her parents grew up in Atlanta; her grandparents grew up in Atlanta; her great-grandparents...in fact, one of my ancestors is Robert E. Lee, so my roots definitely run deep in the South.

+ Two words: The Varsity. I've been hearing about this restaurant my whole life. We even have a poster of The Varsity displayed in our kitchen.

+ My grandpa went to Georgia Tech and had a white bulldog named Grits.

+ Sister Collier, one of the sister missionaries who taught my mom [and prettymuch the cutest missionary ever], is from Atlanta. We're trading places!

+ I looove fried okra. I eat it like popcorn. I also love fried pickles. Chris recommends that I have my cholesterol checked right before I leave and then when I come home in February '12.

+ It's where the Lord needs me.

See the "Grand Opening" here.


Jesse B. Hannah said...

Yay!!!! :D Congratulations, I'm so happy and excited for you, that you got called somewhere that you REALLY wanted to go on top of everything else! The Lord definitely knows each of us personally very well. :) You'll be an amazing missionary, they'll absolutely LOVE you there!!!

Katie said...

Aww Rebecca :) I am so so so happy for you!!!!! I nearly cried with you when I watched your video. It was very touching, and it's evident that you'll be an incredible missionary.