Sunday, June 13, 2010


I fear that I have once again earned the "World's Worst Blogger" award.
So sorry for the lack of posts.

Some fun things have been happening as of late...

First, I am now 21-years-old.
And I did not celebrate with a power hour, so I'm happy to say I can remember the whole day.
But I did celebrate by having a little meeting with my bishop...

He interviewed me for my mission.
I was super nervous about it, but it turned out to be a wonderful experience, and it has gotten me even more excited to begin serving.

And I want to share some of my almost-submitted-mission-application excitement and joy with y' here is the photo that an apostle of the Lord is going to see:

future missionary.

Then, when I was 21-plus-2-days-old, I woke up with one of the worst colds I've had in forever.
It was not fun.
But I count my least I wasn't sick on my birthday.
That would've just been sad.

Tomorrow night, I have an interview with my stake president.
I'm pretty much freaking out from excitement and nerves.

Lately, I've taken to entertaining myself by trying to pinpoint the exact date on which the Big White Envelope will arrive.
[yes, the Big White Envelope deserves to be typed out with big bold caps. maybe i'll call it the b.w.e. for short. or the bweee.]

I've thought of all of my friends who have received mission calls, and I'm very proud to say that I have figured it out:
They have all received their B.W.E.s on Thursday.
So, I have prettymuch set apart every Thursday from now until mid-July as holy days.

I hoped and prayed and prayed and hoped that it would get here on the 10th [it didn't, obvi] of the sister missionaries who taught my mom is going home on Wednesday, and one of my girlfriends is entering the MTC [to serve a mission in estonia] that same day, and I was reallyreally hoping I'd have my call before they leave.
When I realized that was not meant to be, I thought I was being generous and decided that the 17th wouldn't be too bad.
So when that started looking like that wasn't going to happen either, I thought I was being super generous and told Mama, "It'll be here on the 24th. I'm positive."

Now, if my calculations are correct, it's looking like July 1 is going to be The Day.

But things hardly ever work to our calculations/calendars/timetables.
It's Heavenly Father's timetable that is the perfect one.

So I probably shouldn't be too disappointed if my Bweee arrives on Friday instead of Thursday...


Jesse B. Hannah said...

I think mine actually arrived on a Tuesday…I remember, it was three months to the day before I was supposed to report, but I can't remember the exact date off the top of my head.

In ant case, I think I'm probably the most excited person who isn't you to see where you get called to, haha!

Katie said...

YAAYY!!! Jesse's wrong...I'm pretty excited, too!!!